These pieces are not able to be destroyed. Leg pieces, for example, may not have any moving parts, but still do the job of holding an enemy up. Instead, each robot is comprised of a variety of pieces that can be roughly grouped into four categories - chassis, armour, components, and weapons.Ĭhassis refers to the structural material of the enemy. Enemies are not simply large hitboxes, or even a pair of hitboxes (body vs. Longer distance shots must be led, with different weapons showing different ballistics that must be accounted for.Ĭombat in Generation Zero is based almost entirely around enemy components. In turn, some enemies are bulkier and require either more precise aim, or a more powerful round, to reach sensitive components.Īlso, shots in Generation Zero experience bullet drop and take time to reach their target. Some ammunition is more easily able to pass through enemies. While the ammunition type impacts the amount of damage dealt, they also come with differing levels of penetration. Choosing the right ammunition for a given playstyle and enemy can greatly impact how effective a player is at dealing with a given threat. These take the form of a round better suited for component damage, and a round better suited for penetrating armour. In addition to weapon variation, each weapon type comes with at least two ammunition options. Lower rarity silencers, for example, do a poorer job of suppressing firearm noise than higher-quality suppressors Lower rarity magazine extensions have a lower capacity than higher rarity magazine extensions, and so on. In addition to weapon rarities, weapon attachments also come in different rarities, impacting whatever function the attachment has on a player's weapon. You will also notice the difference when equipping the weapon and looking at it since the lower tiers are usually covered in rust. The easiest way to check the quality of your weapon is by examining it in your inventory where they will have a colour and crown rating - the lower the number of crowns, the lower the quality. Some of the guns you might find earlier in the game will be made with poorer craftsmanship, making them harder to aim and affecting their accuracy. There are several weapons that can be found throughout the world of Generation Zero, which in turn have various tiers of quality. While the development team is working on improving this system, the current recommendation is to allow the person with the lowest story progress to host the game.Īnother thing that is important to note is that when you quit the game, you will automatically start your next game in the nearest safe house, this is to ensure that you are not overwhelmed by enemies roaming the world once you log back in. However, progression for the missions are tied to the host, meaning that you will not be able to progress with your own tasks unless you are entirely aligned with the host’s progress. When playing in multiplayer, the items you pick up, experience you gain and skills you unlock will remain with you once you return to your own game. If you decide to run away, the damage done to the machine will remain, allowing you to return at a later date to finish the job. This is shown through a small white hexagon appearing in the top right corner of the screen. When playing alone, Generation Zero is saving your progress constantly - every item that is picked up, every mission that is completed or enemy that is engaged. Game Mechanics in Generation Zero Autosaving in Generation Zero 3.2 Simple Troubleshooting by Xogroroth.We say that option 1 is Sargable (Search ARGument ABLE), and option 2 is not Sargable, meaning option 2 could not leverage the index on the column. This significantly increases your run time! In SQL, we often need to search character fields using the percentage (%) wildcard. When I put the wildcard at the end of the search string (String%) it uses the index, but if I put it at the front (%String) it does a scan of the index. You want to know the coolest SQL hack I learned this week?